Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On Racist Voter ID Laws

Considering this has been in the news lately, I figure it's pertinent to discuss voter ID laws.

However, before we discuss it, let's take a little time to contextualize. What exactly do you need photo identification for?

  • You need photo ID to buy a house.
  • You need it to open a bank account.
  • You need it to buy prescription drugs.
  • Generally speaking, you need it to enter office buildings, particularly those of large corporations and the government.
  • You need it to buy cigarettes.
  • You need it to buy alcohol or enter a bar.
  • You need it to drive.
  • And, naturally, you need it to disenfranchise black voters.

After all, the need to identify yourself is not important at all when choosing the nation's leaders. There is no need to verify your identity to ensure that every vote is fairly counted and that the system is defrauded. It isn't widespread, after all, and why bother stamping out a crime if it isn't widespread? I mean, it's not like someone proved how easy it is to commit voter fraud by pretending to be the Attorney General of the United States.

It's obviously just an attempt by racist Republicans to reinstate the poll taxes. The same taxes originally created by the racist Democratic party. After all, nothing has changed since 1950. Black people are still a bunch of uneducated rubes, suppressed by a system of “Jim Crow” that prevents them from advancing in life. I myself could never tell you that James Madison is credited with drafting the constitution, a fact that is very important to know to get a state ID card.

It's also highly unfair to minorities to ask them to take a very basic, extra step to ensure they are who they say they are, particularly when almost any form of photo ID is valid. The burden only increases when you realize that these laws allow people to vote on election days and get ID cards afterward.

Talk about an undue burden.

Now, if you'll pardon me, I have a voter registration form to fill out. Let's see....


Last Name: Rooney
First Name: Andy


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