First, I feel the need to apologize for not having posted in well over a week. I was not feeling anything pressing on my heart after my last post. Then, Sandy knocked out my power for three days (fortunately, that was all it did) and I've been trying to get back into the swing of things since.
This just for early voting. |
And now it's come down to this. After four years of stagnation, exploding debt and endless bickering, America is about to make what may seem like the greatest choice to face any generation. Now, it may seem like I'm repeating the same old line repeated every election. And I am. However, I do not repeat it for its own sake. This election, there are two very important reasons this is true.
First, every election is important. Let's not kid ourselves here. Every election is a choice for our future, whether it is more/less government, honorable/dishonorable representation, higher/lower taxes, etc.. Frankly, in my humble opinion, people who do not vote have no business complaining about the condition of their country. If they do not care enough to at least try to change things, adding their voice to the chorus is not really earned. That is how important I feel voting is. It is a privilege that a barely perceptible blip of all the people who have ever lived on the Earth have ever been able to do. It should not be squandered.
Second, the past four years have just been a precursor to the next four. For the past four years, we have seen the debt rise meteorically. The president has produced budget proposal after budget proposal that maintains the same, sky high levels of massive debt for ten years and counting. The Democratic Senate has not even produced a budget in four years, despite its Constitutional obligation to do so.
Speaking of the Constitution, we have a man who does not seem to respect it and its restrictions much. Using executive orders and czars, he has committed to many policies that have never been seen by Congress. His agencies have created thousands of regulations, avoiding the legislative body as well. His Justice Department refuses to defend the laws it does not like, despite its obligation to defend the laws of the United States.
And I have yet to mention his constant demonizing of those he dislikes. I have not mentioned his shunning of our allies or the embrace of our enemies (which they are taking full advantage of). I have not mentioned the billions spent on energy companies that have failed, Fast & Furious, Benghazi and whatever else you can think of. There's so much I have not mentioned because this is a blog, not a book. My point is, when the man no longer faces reelection, he will not be inhibited from being far worse than he already has been.
Really, I did not intend to rant about the president originally. However, I cannot seem to stress the importance of this election without noting why we cannot afford another four years of the Obama administration.
To be perfectly honest, while my belief that Mitt Romney is the right man for the job has been consistently reinforced since the Paul Ryan pick, I am still not sure how he is going to govern. I do not believe he is going to be a solid conservative, but if he holds to his promises to correct our fiscal course, I believe it will be enough. If Mitt Romney fails in this purpose, I concur with Bill Whittle when he says he will do everything his power to ensure that Americans can have a solidly conservative choice to vote for in 2016.
Anyway, that is my pre-election rant. I'm currently watching The Walking Dead and don't want to mix zombies into this post (though I just thought of ten ways I could). As such I will leave it here.
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Or you can also check out my Facebook page, though I don't use it much except to post these updates.
Expect me again on Election night!
Bonus: That Bill Whittle video I linked to above.
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