Obviously, the most prominent event all year was the presidential election. On the one hand, I thank God it's over. The primary season started so early in 2011 and never stopped after. The election was mean and ugly to watch as the president and his surrogates continually tore down and attacked his opponents. We wanted to roll back civil rights to Jim Crow, Mitt Romney killed a woman with cancer, we want old people and children to die, etc.. This wore thin in 2010. It was nearly unbearable this year.
Yet, bore it we did. And, for the other hand, it is unfortunate how it turned out. Despite all that we fought for and the dire straits our country is in, we conservatives and the American people as a whole lost this election. I know I am not the only one who has felt the past couple of months to be long and oppressive. Unfortunately, this may be a preview of the coming year. It makes this Tuesday seem far more dreadful than usual.
Then there were the natural disasters. Hurricane Sandy come to mind for this. Speaking of, I wonder how all those people on Staten Island are doing. Haven't heard a thing about the recovery in a couple of weeks. Though as I last recall, the response was still incredibly slow.
Of course, we can not forget the man-caused disasters, either (the lines kind of blur with the election, but I digress). Anyone remember Benghazi? I do. Four men are dead and we still have no answers.
The list goes on.
Are you depressed yet?
Believe it or not, that was not my intention. I fully intended on writing an article that balanced the negative with the positive. An honest assessment of the year, however, recognizes just how bad it was.
There were positives, of course. I'll get back to you when I think of them. I think something can be said of all the little things that happen in our lives that we look to, however. It's hard to find a big thing to look toward as a great positive this year. At the very least, positives that counteract the negatives. That pretty much leaves us with God and the blessings, big and small alike, that He bestows upon us. That should be enough.
I'll leave you with this. It's been a hard year. There were a great many highs and much lower lows. For the coming year and beyond, we'll have to work harder. We'll have to focus better. Fight more intensely. This year was a harbinger of things to come, no doubt. I think we conservatives are strong enough to handle it. We have to be for the country we love.
So, for now, recharge your bodies and refresh your minds. Periods of rest such of this will be more important than ever.
Happy New Year to you all! I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield of ideas in the coming year.
I thought of a positive! The world didn't end! ...Well, a friend thought it up. |