Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On Peaceful Union Protests - Updated

Watch this dramatic video as union protestors peacefully and non-aggressively swarm and cut this American's for Prosperity tent down:

And watch this clip as comedian Steven Crowder launches his face at a man's fist like the violent psychopath that he is:

Now that I have completed my descent into the absurd, let us talk about my point in posting these videos.

What were these unions protesting?  After all, when unions march, it has to be for something important, right?  Whatever they're protesting  has to involve evil businesses or anti-worker conservatives trying to "screw the little guy," right?

Well, what these thugs (because that's what they are) were actually protesting is something called a "right-to-work" law, which Michigan is now the twenty-fourth state to pass.  These laws, simply put, allow workers to get a job without being compelled to join a union.  In other words, they are given the choice over whether or not they want to join the union and, consequently, pay dues.  That is all they were protesting.  No union "rights" are being curbed.  No unions are being busted.  People are just being given the choice over joining one.

And the prospect of choice turned these people into unhinged lunatics.  After all, AFP was doing nothing except being present as a counterpoint to the unions' antics.  And the unions got violent.  They vandalized AFP property and attacked Steven Crowder for merely asking why they opposed right-to-work.

Do you know why?

Unions are becoming irrelevant.  After serving a purpose early last century against the abusive practices of businesses, they are becoming relics of an era that no longer exists.  People do not join unions of their own volition today because they do not provide a significant benefit.  Abusing workers with excessively long days, pitiful wages or making children work is now illegal.  Those battles have been fought and won.  Indeed, they are detrimental to the workers' paychecks thanks to dues and those dues often go into (Democratic) political campaigns instead of the unions' coffers.

So now the unions are afraid.  They fear losing clout and money as less people join them.  The workers who are part of them see the writing on the wall and become unhinged in their fear.  The result are the videos above, with grown men acting little better than 8-year old children who did not get the cookie they demanded.

It's pathetic.

Updated: Hey, look at that!  Racism and hot dogism!  Who would of thought?

Besides me?  Could set your watch by the slurs and vitriol that comes from the left.

Is it any wonder why false charges of racism anger me when leftists ignore actual racism from their own side?

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