Friday, October 26, 2012

On the Benghazi Coverup

This administration has to go.

I'm sick and tired of hearing breaking news on all the ways we, as the American people, have been lied to.

I'm sick and tired and thinking back to all of the deception and deceit in the aftermath of the Benghazi raid.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens...

Just today, we learned that the CIA safe house requested help three times that night.  Three. Times.  And yet, what were the people told?  They were instructed to "stand down."  Their fellow Americans were under and attack and they were told not to lift a finger and ignore bloodshed nary a mile away.  Fortunately, a few good men ignored those orders and evacuated the consulate.  Then for hours afterward, the CIA safe house came under repeated attack by organized assaults from men using automatic weapons and indirect fire support.

Yet, despite being in a region where they were surrounded by assets to assist them, the men in Benghazi were left to die.

They.  Were Left.  To Die.

It is really any wonder that more did not perish.  This is beyond heinous.

...Sean Smith...
There were repeated attacks on the consulate and an attempted assassination of of the British ambassador in the months preceding the attack.  Then the state department goes ahead with a withdrawal of security from Libya, despite the concerns of Ambassador Stevens himself.  In fact, the ambassador asked for additional security the day of the attack.  Within hours, he was dead.

We know that the White House knew of this attack in real time.  People were watching it in the situation room via a drone and there is no chance the president was not aware of it.  For the next week, his administration blamed an idiotic YouTube video and he himself prattled on about it for longer.  He and the Secretary of State stood before the coffins of the men who died because their negligence and blamed the video.  They literally disrespected the four men who died in Libya by obfuscating and lying before their flag draped coffins.

...Tyrone Woods...
And then, on top of that, the man who created the crappy YouTube video no one had heard of until September 12th, was arrested.  No one with common sense believes it was over a probation violation.  This man and everyone who collaborated with him on the video have been demonized, attacked and defamed on the international stage.  And then he was imprisoned for exercising his free speech rights.

And now the parents of the slain are coming out on media outlets that will have them and telling their stories of their meetings with the president and the Secretary of State.  They themselves recognize they are being lied to by those people.  Lied to their faces.

...and Glen Doherty all perished in Benghazi on 9/11/12.
At this point, I am at a total loss of what to think.  I know this sounds crazy, but did the White House want these people to die?  How can you not agree to send aid of some sort?  Of any sort?  As more comes out, the more despicable and guilty the White House looks.  And I seriously doubt anyone believes Secretary of Defense when he tells us that one doesn't deploy military forces without a clear picture.  I'm no military genius, but I damn well know that military forces all across the world throughout history have entered situations without a clear picture to save lives.

And then, of course, there is the media.  Except for Fox News and conservative media outlets, no one has reported on the constant news regarding Benghazi.  No other media outlet has sought out of the truth about just what happened there.  There have been few questions and little pressure/  Every single member of the mainstream media should lose their jobs.  Immediately.  They are corrupt and they deceive us.  The president doesn't need to take over the media to make it cover him.  They do it of their own free will.

I am tired of people, who I am supposed to trust, lying to me and trying to keep me ignorant.

Enough is enough.

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