Thursday, October 11, 2012

On Stephanie Cutter

Today, Stephanie Cutter, President Obama's deputy campaign manager, said something so outright despicable, she should lose her job right now.  She suggested that the reason the murders of four Americans in Libya has become so major is that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have politicized it.

She is suggesting, somehow, in some way, that the Romney campaign is responsible for the Libya story.  That this story would not have made headlines, despite the Obama administration having lied about and obfuscated this blatant lapse in security.

This tells you everything you need to know about this campaign and this administration.  This has nothing to do with four dead Americans.  It has nothing to do with laziness and a clear lack of caring on the part of the administration to protect American lives to protect their "Middle East Reset" narrative.  No, it is all about politics.  However, it isn't Romney or Ryan talking about it that politicizes it.

It is the administration's and its campaign's callous disregard for American lives.  They don't see the men who died.  They only see how those deaths affect their political fortunes and futures.  Yet, they point to people asking legitimate and important questions and cry "politics."

Psychological projection at its worst and most heinous.

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