Last week, I posted about abortion and how, in essence, I think it is wrong. I contextualized it in a way that I hope has some meaning to anyone reading it. This week, I want to be a little more specific than I was last week.
For the attentive, you might have noticed that I said I was perfectly fine with the "extreme" Republican platform, even though it doesn't give any exception regarding rape and incest. Congratulations, you have discovered my position on abortion. There is no time, no place and no circumstance in which it is acceptable to me.
For the more liberally-minded among you, you are probably wondering, "No rape exception? What is he, insane?" For the more conservatively-minded, you might be thinking, "You'll never convince anyone to become pro-life if you aren't willing to give a little."
To me, however, innocent, unborn life deserves our utmost, unwavering support.
In order to explain this further, I'm going to list off the various "forms" or "types" of abortion and give my argument for why I oppose each.
First and Second Trimester Abortions
These abortions are likely what people think of first when the topic comes up, being the most common. Generally, I hear these abortions justified by several arguments, which I touched on briefly in the last article. One argument is the viability of the fetus/baby. In other words, because it is too small and cannot survive on its own, aborting is justified. Others claim (in an argument tied into viability) that because the baby cannot feel pain or lacks a detectable heartbeat, aborting it is, again, justified. The most prevalent argument is the "choice" argument itself, where abortion proponents argue that a woman can choose to do what she wishes with her own body.
The first two arguments tie into a much bigger question: when does life begin? Put differently, when does the fetus become a baby? Personally, I believe that the fetus is always a baby, from conception forward. I believe this for three reasons.
Think about it: Once upon a time, we were all tiny aliens like this. |
Two: On conception, the fetus has a fully replicable human genome. Otherwise, the fetus/baby would never be able to develop further. Again, this is evidence that it is alive. It does not stop being human merely because it is microscopic. We were all at this stage once. Would you, my reader, say that your life has so little value that you should be exterminated? You meet both of those criteria for now, just as you did then.
Three: From a perspective of faith, there is a particular verse which is vitally important to understanding the importance and value of life. In Jeremiah 1:5, God tells Jeremiah "'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations' (emphasis mine)." This verse tells me all I need to know. First, I know there is a life beyond the physical, that we have immortal souls. Not only that, but this verse also tells us that God has a plan for our lives, whether we choose to follow it or not.
When you have faith, there is undeniable confirmation that our lives hold importance long before the day we are conceived and, thus, ending those lives on a whim is unacceptable not only to humans but to God Himself.
This list, while it does address the life of the unborn child, does not address the final argument I mentioned: "choice." I believe that arguing "choice" is the last refuge of the abortion proponent who has failed to convince the opponent of the baby's lack of person-hood and right to live. Instead of appealing to the head, this argument appeals to the heart. It claims that abortion is a woman's right, that she has the right to do what she wishes with her own body and that curtailing said rights will set back the women's movement forty years.
This is, however, purely emotional blackmail. It attempts to guilt the abortion opponent by making him or her think solely of the mother-to-be and not the helpless human being developing inside of her. The baby is not her own body; dependent though it may be, it is still a separate being with every right to live as the rest of us do. Abortion ultimately is a punishment to the unborn purely for existing.
Next week, I will address the rest of my list, including late-term abortions and the "rape exception."
On this topic, I really must disagree with you with the major points. The fact that it is the woman's body is completely irrelevant and should be something they thought about before indulging in unprotected sexual activities, no this I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteIn most cases, the woman does not want to have the child due to her financial instability and her potential ineptitude at looking after the child. If this is the case then the mother will either attempt to surrender the child to social services and put them up for adoption. This is an unnecessary drain on the state's resources and not a stable upbringing for the child. If the mother treats the child poorly and cannot provide for them while keeping the child, then this also causes discontentment and a poor quality of life for the child. The parent of the child has an awful lot of influence on the child's life and if the parent is not fit to look after the child then this will lead to large social problems.
These instabilities and social deprivation will most likely lead the child to a life of crime, in some cases this will be petty crime, in others it will be the full-blown thing and could spiral into something deeper. This again the a drain on the police force's resources and the justice department due to the legal fees of court trials. If the 'child' embeds themselves into a life of crime then they will likely reach a stage where capital punishment will be enforced and their lives will end. The result is the same, the cost is greater and the quality of life is horrendous.
That is how I would view the situation if Osei got his way and if capital punishment were present across all states as would be Osei's want. I do not advocate Capital Punishment.
If you're going to use the argument that 'We were all at that stage once' then you could also say that we were once all a collection of atoms and elements deposited following the explosion of a supernova and the creation of new planetary nebula, but I wouldn't. One a more serious note, we were all pieces of sperm before we are what we are today and that is one piece of sperm amongst millions that otherwise 'died'. If the Lord our God intended for all our sperm to become living people then he would not allow so many to be waste and change our design. I'd rather not have to live a life of poverty and crime because someone thought it would be 'unethical' to exterminate me within the womb.