Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Weakness in the Face of Murder

I'm so sorry're destroying our flag?
Yesterday, on the 11th anniversary of the worst terror attack on United States soil, a violent mob attacked the U.S. embassy in Egypt, tearing down our nations flag and, in it's place, raising a black one that said there was no other god than Allah. Not long after, a group of armed men attacked the U.S. embassy in Libya and murdered our ambassador and three other people.

What was the State Department's response?

They apologized.

They apologized for a private citizen making a film critical of the prophet Muhammad. That's right folks. Their immediate response was to apologize on Twitter for the actions of a person they had literally no control over. And who did they apologize to? A bunch of people who murdered an American diplomat. Not a combatant. A civilian.

First of all, these riots had nothing to do with that film. The Egyptians had flags eerily similar to those of Al Qaeda and the Libyans had guns. Generally, people don't store those away for spontaneous protests. These were both organized attacks on the United States on the anniversary of 9/11. Second, that filmmaker, no matter how distasteful his mockery of Muhammad is, has every right in this country to do that. To even be cowed into apologizing for our freedoms to people who have attacked and burned our consulates is beyond weak. It is reprehensible.

Then our president comes out this morning and says we condemn these actions “in the strongest terms.”

What does that even mean?

I condemn you fire!  Condemn you in the strongest terms!
If you want to condemn these actions in the strongest terms, use the damn terms. Tact doesn't matter to people who barge into places of diplomacy and peace, American soil in a foreign country, and tear down our flag and murder our citizens. When you are president, you should take a stand. You need to call out the rioters and defend American freedoms. You need to call out the murderers and condemn their evil.

And where is the president off to now? Vegas, for one of his big fund-raising events. Our president, instead of being in his office, keeping a close eye on the situation following violent attacks on our embassies, is off at a fundraiser.

I have no words.

I have had enough of this weak-kneed response to evil. Every time there is some sort of violence or rise of radicalism in the Muslim world, this administration gives, at best tepid response, devoid of courage and passion. At worst, they justify and support it, as with the Arab Spring and the rise of radical regimes in both nations. Our government is devoid of the defense of our values and beliefs that we, as Americans, deserve from our leadership.

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