Monday, September 17, 2012

On Obama's Policy Failure

"Which one?"

A cheap shot, I know (though that doesn't make it any less true).  I waited until now to see if the demonstrations would die down after the weekend, but as they haven't, I have decided to write this post.

While, in general, I find this administration actions to be either weak or harmful, I've found the timeline of responses to the Middle East situation be utterly contemptible.

You've seen how I feel about the president and his campaigning in the immediate aftermath of Tuesday's news.  However, now I'm bothered by the fact that the administration and a complicit media are seeking to cover this up by obsessing over every irrelevant detail instead of asking serious questions and becoming introspective.

First there is State Department's attempt to create a revisionist timeline of the Benghazi attack that the Libyan government and anyone with common sense knows is untrue.  They're trying to claim that the attack was an outgrowth of a protest at the embassy.  This fails logically, since I've never seen members of a spontaneous demonstration tote RPGs and launch suspiciously coordinated assaults in an attempt to assassinate civilian officials.  Even the Cairo attack merely stormed the grounds, burned our flag and replaced it with an Islamist one.  On top of that, there are reports indicating there was no demonstration prior to the attack.

To top it off, it was the anniversary of 9/11.  It doesn't get any more obvious than that.  What better day to plan an attack than on the anniversary of Islamic radical's most successful terrorist attack to date?

Which brings me to my next point.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the State Department in general seem to be obsessed with this video on the internet.  Clinton herself disgracefully used the service for our fellow countrymen on Friday to criticize the film again.  That was neither the time nor the place for such statements.  Four men lay in caskets behind her and all she could do was repeat the same absurd line.

Keep in mind, this video is a trailer that has existed since July.  Apparently it used a slow-burning fuse on the powder keg that is the Middle East.  Well, that or it's just a distraction.  It has most certainly been used to inflame passions, but that's not the root cause for what happened on 9/11/2012, merely a convenient excuse.

You see, I believe the administration isn't constantly trotting out the video or this alternate timeline because they actually believe either to be a cause or true respectively.  I believe that this White House and the media that coddles them is looking to deflect attention from the president's Middle East policy.  Recall in 2008-2009 he sought to "reset" relations with the Muslim and Arabic world.  He sought to change our relations with them through the power of his personality.

This past week has proven that policy has failed.  Polling indicates that region of the world hates us more than ever and the rioters have been shown burning pictures and even effigies of the president.  These distractions serve merely to divert attention from the fact that killing Usama bin Laden isn't a foreign a policy, merely a blip on the radar set in motion long before he entered office.  These riots prove that the president's reset did nothing to fix relations with that region of the world.

Return tomorrow for my final and what I believe is the most frightening points regarding the administration's response to the chaos in the Middle East.

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